Access Management

Modified on: December 3rd, 2024

Access management allows a business or group owner to grant usage rights to another user. This user could be, for example, an accountant, a member of the Aleop team, a new team member within the company, etc. 

It simplifies assigning permissions based on roles, safeguards your financial data by limiting access, and provides a clear view of who has access to what. Permissions are easily adjustable when roles change, all through a centralized and intuitive interface.

Under no circumstances, in all the roles detailed, will added members be able to grant access to another user or modify their permissions. The RGA / Access section is reserved exclusively for the Owner of the company.

A user can learn more about their roles by going to the settings wheel / My Access.

A user can be invited to one or more companies, whether or not they are part of the same business group. A user can also have a different role in each company, depending on what is granted to them by the owner of each company. 


A role represents a collection of permissions that can be granted to a user. This user will have access to all the features granted by the different permissions of a role. When a role is revoked for a user by the company owner, the user automatically loses all the permissions associated with that role. 


Most roles that can be assigned are granted permanently, unless the business owner decides to revoke the role from the user. This allows a user to be assigned a role within the company without the need to regularly renew their access. 

Some roles, particularly those associated with interventions by the Solution Aleop team, are temporary. These roles are active for a set period. Once this period expires, the user will automatically lose access to the company. The owner can then renew the access if desired. 

At any time, an owner can manually revoke a role, whether it is permanent or temporary. 

Creation of an Aleop Account

The user (if not already done) must have an Aleop account to access one or more companies. To create a user account on the Aleop platform:

  1. From the address, click on the link Register from the Log-in page.
  2. On the registration page, fill in the required fields, then click the button Register.
  3. Once the email address is registered, it must be validated by the user through the link sent via email. Be sure to check your spam folder if the message doesn’t appear in your inbox.

Adding a Standard Access

A standard access role can be assigned to any user who already has an Aleop account. However, this role cannot be granted to members of the Solution Aleop team or certain specific account types, such as those belonging to some agronomic advisors. 

These accesses are permanent and do not expire automatically. They must be manually revoked by the owner if necessary.


Each standard role has a default quota that can be reached at the business group level.

RoleAccessManagementBase Quota
Scanning/ClassificationScanning and ClassificationCompany2
AccountantEverything except the "RGA" menuCompany2
License Purchase License purchaseGroup1
Data ViewingTransaction search, annotation search, workbook, and indicatorsCompany1

The quota applicable per company can be increased under certain conditions. For more information, the owner can contact Solution Aleop's customer service. 

For a role managed by company, the quota is calculated per user and per company. For example, a user with the role of accountant in two companies counts as 2 assignments within the group. For roles managed by a business group, the allocation applies to all companies within the same group. The quota is therefore calculated for the group as a whole, not for each individual company. 

A user can hold different roles across multiple companies, as long as the quota for each role is not exceeded. A group role provides access to the features associated with the role across all companies in the group.

Adding Access to a Collaboration Group

When a member of the Solution Aleop team needs to intervene within one or more companies, they can be invited via a collaboration group. 

A collaboration group has a specific email within the Aleop platform. By inviting this group, the various Solution Aleop team members assigned to it will have access to the company. 

Each group has a specific function (company setup, customer support, etc.). A member of the Solution Aleop team will provide the name of the collaborator to invite based on the intervention to be carried out. 

Each collaborator is assigned to a single specific role.

The role Solution Aleop is not governed by a quota for the group of companies. Aleop collaborators have an expiration date for their role. However, the role can be revoked by the owner before the expiration. 

EmailSpecific RoleDescriptionExpiration Solution Aleop Perform actions within the company account. 60 days Solution Aleop Perform actions within the company account. 7 days Account matching Perform account reconciliation and manage transaction adjustments7 days Solution AleopPerform actions within the company account. 14 days 

Adding a Technical Advisor Access

A technical advisor role, which requires access to certain techno-economic features, can be assigned to an Aleop user under certain conditions. The advisor or their organization will provide the terms under which these features can be accessed within a company.

Manage access

The access management screen allows the Owner to view, delete, or add a permission for a company or a user.  

Regardless of the management type chosen, the displayed table will show the roles for the user or the company.  

This screen allows you to add a new access to another company for a user or assign an additional role within the same company. If the quota has already been reached, the role will not appear in the list. 

Add Access

By selecting a user who already has access to at least one company in the group or the current group, it is possible to add a role to a company in the group or a user. 

Removing a Permission

To remove any permission, select the company or user from the dropdown list.

Click on the icon to remove a permission. It will be possible to re-add the user and assign a role again if needed. 

Role Distribution

The role distribution screen can only be viewed by the owner and shows all Standard roles assigned to the current company.
The screen excludes roles associated with collaboration groups (these can be viewed from Access Management / Company).

The quota for each role is displayed along with its current usage. 

My Access

Accessible to all types of users, the screen is available from the settings and allows users to view the roles assigned to all companies for the current user.

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