Privacy policy

At Aleop Solution inc., the respect of your private life and security of your data has always been a priority. This privacy policy explicitly describes the data we collect when you interact with this website, or our other entities, and how we use that information. 

Please note that the collection and use of our clients’ personal data is not addressed below. The terms of use agreed on by our client community is the subject of a separate agreement. However, it is important for us to reiterate our primary commitment, which is that of guaranteeing the security of our users’ data. The latter remains your property at all times and are not accessible under any circumstances.

Talk to an expert

The privacy policy is reviewed by our team on a regular basis in order to remain compliant to the current standards and to guarantee the best service to our users.

What data is collected?

As soon as you visit our website or one of our platforms, information is sent to us. Browsing the website, submitting a form to a member of our team or requesting support are examples of when personal information is collected. Generally, we ask for information such as your first and last name, email address, and your company’s name. 

As to the data sent by your browser, it is pages you have visited, the date and time of your visit, your IP address or even the type of browser used. This information is collected and then compelled in an analysis tool such as Google Analytics. This data allows us to improve our service and simplify browsing on our platforms.

How do we use the data?

This information is submitted to marketing in order to outline the challenges faced by our clients and help to position Aleop well.

The personal information that we may collect when you use the website is as follows:

  • First and last name;
  • email address
  • phone number
  • business name
  • position within the company
  • IP address


The website of Solution Aleop inc. uses cookies that allow us to simplify browsing on our website and learn more from users and their interests. A cookie is a file placed on your hard drive when visiting our website. This file stores information for a future connection and represents you through a unique and anonymous identifier.

Cookies are used on our site to collect information. It is possible to configure your browser in a way to refuse all the cookies. If they are not accepted, the website’s browsing will be modified and certain parts of it will not be accessible. Failure to configure cookies is considered implied consent to use your personal information.

For all questions regarding the information mentioned above, you can communicate with our team. Contact support ou visiter notre Cookie Policy.

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